Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Clomid DIaries (Part 1)

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I am super excited to be starting Clomid. I do not take a lot of medicine, normally, I tend to lean towards natural remedies first. But, after a year of TTC and being disappointed, if feels really good to be trying something that might help us finally get our BFP!

Day 1(CD 5)
My Dr. instructed me to take the Clomid CDs 5-9. She also instructed me, in contradiction of the general consensus I had been going by, to count the first sign of AF as CD1, even if it it is nothing more than a faint pinkish, brownish coloration to my CM. I have converted to my Dr.'s way of counting, but I am still a little skeptical of it.
When I filled my RX, the pharmacy tech suggested, as had my own research, that many women prefer to take Clomid at night, because of the side effects that include drowsiness and blurred vision. As Matthew and I are usually up past midnight, I decided it would be best to take my pill at 12:30am, just a half hour into CD5, rather than wait until after midnight the next day, which would, technically, already be CD6. the other option I considered was taking the pill in the daytime.
I was glad I did not choose to do it that way as the tiredness hit me like a ton of bricks, about a half hour after I took the pill. Matthew and I were (trying to) watch TV together, and I could not keep my eyes open! And the moment my eyes would close I would be slipping into a dream, then Matthew would say something or the TV would be loud and I would jerk awake.
I did not get a good nights sleep, I had crazy dreams and I awoke many times throughout the night, I was too hot or my dream was scary or I felt odd.
In the morning, I was tired at first, but later was quite energetic. My throat felt a little odd, like it could be getting sore.
Day 2(CD6):
The tiredness did not seem quite so extreme as that first night, but I was expecting it.
More nightmares.
I am feeling super tired since I woke up this morning. Also I feel achy, both in my head and my body. My throat still feel odd, but it could also be because it had been rainy since last night.

All in all, the tiredness is not fun, but it is really not a terrible thing. I am not listing my symptoms to complain, but rather to document my experience.

Part 2 Coming Soon!

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